Tuesday, October 5, 2010

“having a bit of a wobble”

wob·ble (verb): to move or proceed with an irregular rocking or staggering motion or unsteadily and clumsily from side to side. restless.

whether you’re the one doing the wobbling or the wobbling has been done to you, the truth is, everyone wobbles. known to many of us as the proverbial “mid-life crisis,” wobbles can happen for a number of reasons. maybe you’re scared of commitment. maybe you’re in need of adventure. or maybe you just need a fresh start. if you’ve had a wobble, you’ve probably been a) uncertain b) indecisive c) fucking confused or d) all of the above. whatever the reason, I think everyone needs a good wobble in his or her life.

my wobble happened 3 years ago this month. actually it was my boyfriend’s wobble that turned my life upside down. looking back, there was a time when I would have given anything to change my situation. thankfully, that didn’t happen and slowly but surely I discovered that wobbles, while breaking us down, can also help lift us up.

wobbles, force us to re-evaluate our lives – where we are, what we want, and quite possibly, what we don’t want. crisis helps us think about what’s next. it forces us to take risks, have dreams, and jump in with both feet.

while you can’t predict when or where a wobble will occur, you should know that all wobbles have something to teach us, about people and ourselves.

...plus I really like that word “wobble”

1 comment:

  1. Katie,

    Your welcome. BTW, nice post about wobble. What's that saying-"weebles wobble, but they don't fall down". I'm in mid-life crisis, I think. Anyway,I'll be writing about environmental stuff periodically on my blog so feel free to stop by and check it out.

    Ken at www.kenmajor.blogspot.com
